Tuesday, September 29, 2009


*dying to be thin*
The girl of my nightmares,
and skull-faced.

Anorexic beauty,
Feather-weight perfection,
Anorexic b
Underweight Goddess.
anorexic beauty-pulp

"Thinness leads to death and it is anything but beautiful."
Isabelle caro

beautiful woman with black dress above are ana carolina reston,a Brazilians model who died at age 21 because of her killing diets (which just by eating tomatoes and apples only). she suffered a complex anorexia and bulimia, lead to multiple organ failure and causing her death.she become anorexic in 2001 since she was told that she was fat. generally i thought almost every girls would go tho the extreme and just stop eating when she being told that she was fat, slowly tend to anorexia or other eating disorder, especially when it comes from her special ones :(

I was completely shock when i read out an anorexia and bulimia articles,it was really triggering, my emotion .some part of me wanting it, as i always thought it was the easiest way to get thin and later i also found out as an easiest way to meet our creator faster, lol,but happily i still have some part of me whom refused the will of anorexia as hard as i can. my intention at first when i googling "anorexic beauty" was only to look for some interesting picture which i could put in my blog to decorate notes about that sick anorexic things, that i have already planned to make.the ideas of making this articles are appears when this following words suddenly pop-out in my mind "how come the girls in years 90's-00's were not allowed to eat for the sake of beauties"(i was completely outraged at that time, because i'm insanely starving at 10pm and still i've been told and encouraged not to take some food because...you-know-why..yes,correct!that f**in scale things!).

in my amazement of venturing of how deadly eating disorder could be, i found a really inspiring word from www.2medusa.com (an anti-ana/mia blog -ana stands for anorexia&mia for bulimia),this are the word..
"the media has been conditioning women for so long to make us feel there is something wrong with us if we are not super skinny.”
*in several cases, i thought not only the media but our opposite sex (male) were one of the biggest contributor to make it even worser if we have a little excess fat/flesh under our skins.
for me, my self i am a 10-12 size girls,with normal body mass index (you can calculate yours here). still i was consider too fat for most of the people. it was really frustrating to be the "fat one" which automatically labeled as unattractive :(
the frustrating feeling wont stop there and grows bigger by the time you constantly tried to reduce amount of your food, striving to resist your hunger and ended with.."I'm not lessen my weight!!!!"
but,somehow i always put myself into someone whose not blinded by thinness perfection idea, in my own opinion, the sexy, attractive and seducing girls are the one who had a little bit more flesh under her skins and fresh not on
e with pale and sick appearance.

The truth is—a woman can be beautiful at any shape or size

*i took those quote because it was highly inspire able and raise our self confident :)
and also to remind some fussy guys out there that your woman/every woman are beautiful, try to love her the way she are, and not hurting her feeling..woman are sensitive and once you said that she was fat, which is more sounds like ugly nowadays they probably would gone for everything to loosen up their weight. please..don't try to change her..just consider of her health if she was to fat/too thin..

*aren't the beauty icon Marilyn Monroe look great, tempting and fresh on the picture above?love the picture so much :)


  1. Ndut, I always think you're pretty & chekchy~
    I called you "Ndut" hanya sebagai ungkapan sayang.
    I've never thought you should be thinner..


  2. hehehehe..
    makasiii kak...abisnya ak agk2sensitif d akhir2ini..sejak bnyk bgt yg bilang ak "gede"bgt...ndut-an dll..dkk..dst :(
    uhuhuh..smua org berlomba2mjd tulang kak..hahahahah...
    *tp sedikit berlemak = sexy :D
