Wednesday, September 09, 2009


In love the paradox occurs that two beings become one and yet remain two.
Erich Fro

stubbornness, anxious feeling, shouts&screams, tears& hugs.. we are two person whom contrary different, though years after years..we still stand side by side and holds each other hands like we'll would never let one of us go..above all the scars that we've made to ourselves and above every pain that we shared..same as thee..you are precious to me..you meant everything in my life..i know that I'm easily irritated and full of anger..almost every time my mouth says those rude words to you..I'm terribly sorry my love..I LOVE YOU...i realized that my sarcastic way of interact has made you gone mad either..

and than, i found this quote..
Immature love says : 'I love you because I need you.'
Mature love says : 'I need you because I love you.'
Erich Fromm

I LOVE YOU..and i wish in every way..that we would soon has our joyful life together


  1. jiaahahhhaahha..gw br liat komen mu rek.. :D
    makasi..makasi d di komenin neng cherry blossom :D
    hihihi..sadis apanya?ni cinta ko..bukan film bunuh2an..wkakakaka.. :D
    ayoo tarr..kembangakan blogmu...ak kan ikut2an km ni :P
